Friday, June 22, 2012



Name: Steve Rogers
Alter Ego: Captain America
Powers: Expert in combat strategy, survival, acrobatics, military strategy, piloting, and demolitions. Has blended judo, western boxing, kickboxing and gymnastics into his own unique fighting style and is a master of multiple martial arts. Ability to endure at high or low temperatures.

Name: Anthony Tony Edward Stark
Alter Ego: Iron Man
Powers: Superhuman strength and durability, flight, and an array of weapons to destroy solid objects. 

Name: Thor Odinson
Alter Ego: Thor
Powers: Very high resistance to physical injury that approaches invulnerability, possesses keen senses that allows him to track objects traveling faster than light and hear cries from the other side of the planet, ability to travel through time, summon the elements of the storm (lightning; rain; wind; snow) and uses Mjolnir as a tool to focus this ability.

Name: Dr Robert Bruce Banner
Alter Ego: Hulk
Powers:Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, & durability, Immunity to diseases & viruses, Involuntary transformation, Regenerative healing factor, Resistance to mind control, Underwater breathing, Vast leaping. 

Name:Natasha Romanoff
Alter Ego: Black Widow
Powers:Slowed aging, Enhanced immune system, Peak athletic condition, Extensive military, martial arts and espionage training.

Name:Clint Barton
Alter Ego: Hawkeye
Powers: Master archer, Uses a variety of trick arrows, Superb athlete, martial artist, and acrobat.
Name:Dr Henry Hank Pym
Alter Ego: Giant Man
Powers: Grow up to sixty feet high and can shrink to the size of an insect, communicates with and controls ants via pheromone emissions.

Name:Dr Janet Van Dyne
Alter Ego: The Wasp
Powers: Size manipulation, Flight, Bio-electric energy blasts & Telepathic insect control. 

Name:Pietro Maximoff(Left) and Wanda Maximoff(Right)
Alter Ego: Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch
Powers: Superhuman speed(Quicksilver). 
 Probability manipulation, reality alteration, Chaos Magic (Scarlet Witch).

Name: General Nicholas Joseph Nick Fury
Alter Ego: None
Powers: None
Position: Head of S.H.I.E.L.D.  

Comic Books

The Ultimates: Super Human 

The story begins in the year 1942, during World War 2. Captain America led his troops to battle in Iceland against the Nazis. Their mission was to destroy the base of the Nazis. However, they were surprised to discover the launching of a rocket which was targetted at the White House. While it was launched, Captain America jumped and destroyed the rocket with heavily armed explosives and fell into the sea, thus being presumed dead.

Now the story sets in the year 2002, where Tony Stark was on vacation with his collegues. Nick Fury, on the other hand, was engaged in a conversation with Dr Bruce Banner about the super Soldier Serum project Banner was working on. Feeling that he could not produce the results as fast as he could, Nick Fury demoted him and transferred the task to the Pyms.

Dr Hank Pym was also working on the Giant Man project, along with his wife, Dr Janet Van Dyne. Feeling that the project would work, Dr Pym plans to try out the project on himself.

The next day, Tony Stark tried on his new suit and Dr Banner was greeted by Dr Janet where Banner was supposed to supervise Dr Pym's project. As the project commences, Dr Pym slowly transformed into a new superhero in the Avengers' Initiative, Giant Man. The project became a success in the end. What was even shocking was when Banner received a phone call from Nick Fury. Fury informed Banner that they found something from the ocean and it was none other than Captain America himself.

Meanwhile, Giant Man(Dr Pym) and his wife, Janet, were having their own vacation before they were summoned by Tony Stark through a text message.

Tony, Fury and Banner then woke Captain America aka Steve Rogers up and tried to make him feel relaxed and homely. When asked how long he was out, Fury replied," 57 Years". Taking none of that, Steve fought the security and tried to escape, but failed due to Giant Man's strength.

Steve was then accompanied by Nick Fury to meet his old friend, James Bucky Barnes, who is now married to Steve's fiancee, Gail. When they looked at each other, not only did they embrace, but also shared the story of what happened after his mysterious disappearance. After all the catching up was finished, Steve was given a welcome party at the Triskellion and was awarded a new Captain America suit. 

Tony was then called for an interview while he was on space the very next day. Steve was accompanied by Janet from shopping and to his dismay, discovered that his apartment had been ransacked by the neighbouring kids. And Dr Betty Ross, Banner's fiancee, criticized him for not cracking the code of the Super Soldier Serum and failing to recruit Thor to the Avengers Initiative. Threantening to break their engagement, Banner decided to try his luck in brining Thor back. His efforts were futile when Thor refused Fury's offer as he believes that the politicians are not doing enough good to help the people.

The avengers were having fun in the Triskellion until Banner arrived and he was ridiculed horribly by Dr Pym. Feeling demoralized and frustrated over their treatment towards him, Banner did the unthinkable. He injected the Super Soldier Serum and the Hulk Serum together and called Betty to inform her of his mistake. Before he could hang up, Banner fainted and was brought to the hospital via ambulance. During the trip, Banner suddenly transformed into Hulk and started to go on a Rampage. This promoted the Avengers to assemble and take down The Hulk.

During the fight, Hulk was searching for Betty and found her dating a celebrity, Freddie Prinze Jr. Angered by this, he tried to pursue her. When the Avengers tried everything they could to bring him down, Hulk still fought back. And to everyone's shock, Thor returned and fought Hulk as well. But Hulk managed to come back and subdue him.

Hulk found Betty escaping in a helicopter and tried to go after her. While he was doing so, Janet shrunk into small size and injected an antidiote inside Hulk's earlobes. As Betty called Banner's name out, Hulk felt weak and fell off the helicopter, only to have heard Betty shouting out his name.

As Hulk transformed back into Banner, he was knocked out by Captain America and taken back to base. Betty then went back to check on Banner's status and felt guilty for what she had done to him, while Fury consoled her.

Tony Stark invited Steve Rogers and Thor to his house for a party and they celebrated with a toast for their successful victory. On the other hand, Janet tried to convince her husband, Dr Pym to join her for the party at Stark's house, but he refused as he got angry with Janet and the Avengers' remarks of him. As Janet spoke back to him, Dr Pym and Janet engaged in a brawl and it lead to spouse abuse from Dr Pym. Dr Pym succeeded by ordering his ants to bite Janet when she was in small size and left the apartment, leaving Janet broken and beaten down.  

The Ultimates Vol 2: Homeland Security

The city of New York spent the entire day mourning for the death of the loved ones due to the Hulk's rampage. When the Avengers were invited for a Eulogy sharing session and also to pay their last respects to the ones who gave their lives for this mayhem, Dr Janet was carried out on a stretcher to the nearest hospital after she was found in a critical stage. 

When it was over, Steve Rogers was met by Bucky and his wife Gail outside Church. But before they could hang out, Nick Fury called everyone, including Steve, to come to the Hospital where Dr Janet was admitted to. At the hospital, the doctor reported that there were ant bites all over her and it's apparent that the prime suspect was definitely Dr Henry Hank Pym. 

Later, Stark, Steve and Betty Ross went for a coffee to discuss about what could have caused the couple( Dr Hank Pym and Dr Janet) to fight and argue. As Betty expressed what Dr Janet has been through in their college days, they were startled to hear from the news that Dr Hank Pym ran off and was nowhere to be found. 

Graphic Design for Hawkeye aka Clint Barton.

Nick Fury, on the other hand, summoned the Avengers again for an urgent meeting. Before that, Black Widow and Hawkeye, two newly recruited members of the Avengers' Initiative and current S.H.I.E.L.D. operative agents, were set on a mission to take out a large group of Chitauri Army, disguised as Humans, in a corporate building. The mission became a success as S.H.I.E.L.D. managed to wipe everybody out. Meanwhile, Captain America went to the Satellite room to find out Dr Pym's location and he ordered transport to prepare him. 

After a successful mission, the Avengers gathered together for a meeting with General Fury. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were present as well as they also joined the Avengers' Initiative. The only person missing is Captain America. What Fury discussed about was the Chituari Army that arrived to invade Earth, disguised themselves as Humans during World War 2. He elaborates that there are still a few out there and this would interest Captain America more as he had encountered a couple of them in his time. After the meeting was over, Fury got word that Captain America discovered Dr Pym's location and is heading there to find him. Before he could stop him, he was already too late. 

Captain America confronted Hank Pym on his abuse towards his wife and picked a fight with him. After transforming into Giant Man, the fight got very ugly as Captain America made use of the equipments at the construction site to weaken Giant Man. In the end, S.H.I.E.L.D. rushed in before Captain America declared himself as the winner. This fight was talked upon by Betty Ross and Bruce Banner at the holding area and Betty announced that he should be less concerned about this and more concerned about what Fury has in store for the Avengers. 

Captain America paid Dr Janet a visit in the hospital before he sets off with the Avengers for the Micronesia Mission to locate the Chitauri Army's hideout. However, it was a bad time for Janet as she was not pleased with what Captain America  did and she ordered him to leave. 

After leaving, he returned to base with Nick Fury while Tony Stark had a wonderful conversation with Natasha Romanoff about her job description and his new suit. Fury and the Avengers set off to the island to locate the Army. While traveling, Captain America had flashbacks about his encounter with Herr Kleiser and his Army in the time where the train was carrying armed explosives and how Captain America stopped it in the end. When they arrived at the Island, most of them discovered that it was empty and no one was found. Before that, Dr Janet left her bed to head to the bathroom. And suddenly, she encountered a female staff who is actually a Chitauri in disguise, pointing a gun and trying to shoot her. Janet transformed into Wasp and managed to flee out of the hospital. She even went to the Military base and called S.H.I.E.L.D. to leave the Island immediately as they could called to a trap. Before she could say more, she lost signal as everyone were presumed dead due to the heavy blowup in the island. 

Suddenly, she heard a male voice from S.H.I.E.L.D. command and that person warned her to surrender herself or else, she would die along with everyone. And that person revealed himself to be Herr Kleiser himself. 

Herr Kleiser. Captain America's former enemy.

Realizing that the numbers were too much to handle, she was captured and held as a prisoner under Herr Kleiser's clutches. Kleiser revealed that his new plan is to destroy Earth and rule over the Galaxy as no want could stop him. Which was why he lured the Avengers to a trap in the Island. He even ordered more Chitauri Army battleships to start the invasion as soon as possible. As he was preparing his troops for the procedure, one of his man tracked a signal from a unidentified flying object. Suddenly, it was too late to realize that the signal came from Iron Man and the Avengers suddenly appeared right before Kleiser's face. 

Captain America lead his men and the Avengers to battle against the Chitauri Army and took the fight to Kleiser. 

During the fight, Captain America ran the F15 right into Kleiser and engaged in a war torn battle against him. Iron Man and Thor took control of the air, while Black Widow and Hawkeye rescued Dr Janet and took out the remaining Chitauri army who were hiding inside base. 

Captain America managed to conquer Herr Kleiser after Nick Fury took out Kleiser with his weapons. But it wasn't enough. That was when Captain America ordered air support to drop Banner down. After Banner was punched countless number of times and pushed out of the helicopter, he immediately transformed into Hulk and completely annihilated Herr Kleiser after Captain America's influence. Not only that, he even helped Thor to destroy as many Chitauri Ships in the air. Dr Janet and Black Widow shockingly discovered a time bomb in an alien language in which would destruct in one hour's time, thus wiping out the entire lifeforms on Earth. Iron Man managed to drag the bomb out while Thor used his powers to teleport the bomb to another realm where there are no lifeforms found. 

In the end, the bomb was disposed off, Hulk was sedated and transformed back to Banner and the Avengers were declared as heroes in the end. 

The President organized a ball for the Avengers in the White House. Before that, Betty expressed her love to Banner at the holding cell, Janet received an apologetic phone call from Hank Pym for not filing spouse abusal charges and Fury and Steve talked about preserving the chemicals and DNA of the Chitauri Army, so that they would be prepared for them if they were to invade them again. 

Janet then apologized to Steve for her despicable behavior as she wasn't herself and Steve accepted her apology and danced with her. While dancing, they both shared a passionate kiss and continued dancing. Nick Fury on the other hand, was welcomed to the White house and was appointed as a special forces commander by the White House Administrative.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012



 Name: James Howlett aka Logan
Alter Ego: Wolverine
Powers: Possesses animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities, three retracting bone claws on each hand and a healing factor that allows him to recover from virtually any wound, disease or toxin at an accelerated rate.

Name: Scott Summers
Alter Ego: Cyclops
Powers: Emits a powerful energy beam from his eyes (an "optic blast").

Name: Jean Grey Summers
Alter Ego: Jean Grey/ Phoenix/ Marvel Girl
Powers: Possesses telepathic and telekinetic powers.


Name: Ororo Munroe
Alter Ego: Storm
Powers: Ability to control the weather & temperature of the environment, control all forms of precipitation, humidity and moisture (at a molecular level), generate lightning and other electromagnetic atmospheric phenomena.

Name: Robert Bobby Louis Drake
Alter Ego: Iceman
Powers: ability of cryokinesis where he can freeze anything around him and can also turn his body into ice.

Name: Catherine Anne Kitty Pryde
Alter Ego: Shadowcat
Powers: Possesses a "phasing" ability that allows her and objects or people with which she is in contact to become intangible.

Name: Kurt Wagner
Alter Ego: Nightcrawler
Powers: Possesses superhuman agility, the ability to teleport, invisibility in deep shadows, and adhesive hands and feet.


Name: Peter Nickolaiveich Rasputin
Alter Ego: Colossus
Powers: Ability to transform his entire body into a form of "organic steel", with properties analogous to osmium & possesses superhuman levels of strength, as well as superhuman stamina and durability.


Name: Anna Marie
Alter Ego: Rogue
Powers: Absorbs and sometimes also removes the memories, physical strength, and (in the case of superpowered persons) the abilities of anyone she touches.


Name: Warren Kenneth Worthington III
Alter Ego: Angel
Powers: Possesses a pair of large feathered wings extending from his back, enabling him to fly.


Name: Dr Henry Hank Philip McCoy
Alter Ego: Beast
Powers: Possesses ape-like superhuman physical strength and agility and oversized hands and feet & high intelligence level.

Name: Alison Blaire
Alter Ego: Dazzler
Powers: Ability to convert sound vibrations into light and energy beams.

Name: Remy Lebeau 
Alter Ego:Gambit 
Powers:  Manipulation of potential energy and kinetic energy, Enhanced physical abilities & Hypnotic Charm.


Name: Charles Francis Xavier
Alter Ego: Professor X
Powers: Ability to read, control, and influence human minds.

Comic Books

Ultimate X-Men Vol 3
World Tour

The story begins with Professor X writing and publishing a book about Mutants, so that he hopes that the humans would accept the mutants as their own rather than wage a war against them. In the book, Professor X elaborated about the X-Men's characters' profile and how they fit in the society currently.

While promoting the tour, he brought Peter along to reveal that Magneto's not dead. In Vol 1, Magneto was destroyed in the Sentinel collision. What Professor X did was to make people assume that he's dead as Professor X could not take another life. Instead, he placed mental blockades on Magneto to prevent him from remembering his past encounters. Feeling troubled of Professor X's actions, Peter started to behave in a bizzare manner.

What got a lot more bizzare was when Moira Mactaggert, former wife of Professor X, called Professor X about the sudden disappearance of their son, David MacTaggert Xavier.


Moira Mactaggert. Wife of Professor X and Mother to Kevin David Mactaggert.

At Muir Island, Moira introduced two agents from S.T.R.I.K.E. named Agent Dai Thomas and Betsy Braddock. While she elaborates about David's unstability in Muir Island and how he escaped, Professor X managed to use his psychic powers to trace his wherabouts.

David possessed a body of a police officer at burger king and before he could order a meal, he was confronted by the X-Men. Feeling provoked, he killed all the innocent people in the restaurant and possessed Wolverine.

As David tried to demoralize the X-Men with terrible memories of their past, he was knocked down by a truck driver while escaping and he accidentally possessed the driver.

Meanwhile, Cyclops and Jean travelled to Russia to retrieve Colossus as he felt left out of the group. As Jean and Cyclops tried to coax him to come back to the X-Men and encouraging him to rescue the Russian Submarine which got trapped, Colossus paid no heed to their pleas and ordered them to leave.

The X-Men, Moira and Betsy went to Germany to locate David. Colossus, on the other hand, changed his mind and rescued the Russian Submarine after watching the news and was declared a hero by the public.

Hearing the news of Colossus' return, Professor X informed Jean and Cyclops to bring him back safely after the group understood how much he is missed. While sharing with Betsy about this, he noticed that Betsy is actually David. During the conversation, David warned his father that he will use Betsy as a telepathic vessel to destroy the X-Men and reign supreme over his father for his past actions.


Proteus. Real Name: Kevin Mactaggert. In the comic series, he was known as David Xavier.
David, who is now Proteus, waged a huge battle with the X-Men, including the returning Cyclops, Jean and Colossus. During the battle, Iceman lost his consciousness and fainted. Before Proteus could destroy everything around him, Betsy, who was inside his mind, manupilated Proteus, thus causing him to be weak. It then opened the door for Colossus to crush Proteus to death with a car, killing him and Betsy.


Elizabeth Betsy Braddock. She will be known as Psylocke in X-Men.

 Professor X, feeling guity for what has transpired, attended the funeral of Betsy Braddock and decided to disband the X-Men and remove the mental blocks of Magneto. However, what stopped Professor X from doing it was when Magneto consoled him for what he did was right and motivated him to continue what he was doing after revealing the new york lecture tickets for Professor X's dialogue session. Feeling encouraged, Professor X broke down and Magneto hugged him in comfort.

In the end, Professor X summoned the X-Men to return to the mansion for training and was hoping for Bobby Drake's recovery to be safe and sane.

The story then shifts to the life of Gambit. Gambit was a street magician who attracts the attention of beautiful woman until he met a small girl who requested his help. While helping her and protecting her at the same time, he encountered a criminal known as Hammerhead and fought him in order to save the little girl. After that, Professor X tried to persuade Gambit to join the X-Men, but he refused.


Ultimate X-Men Vol 10
Cry Wolf

The story begins with the X-men spending the evening to themselves. Jean and Cyclops were alone in the backyard of the X-Mansion, Nightcrawler and Angel were practising in the Danger Room under the supervision of Professor X, while the rest head to the funfair to have some fun.


While everyone's enjoying themselves in their own group, Iceman and Kitty were arguing with each other ever since Iceman dumped Kitty for Rogue. While arguing, Iceman kissed Kitty and it took Rogue to throw a punch at Kitty to make matters worse. Suddenly, Gambit appeared and tried to abduct Rogue. But the X-Men arrived at the scene.

Gambit distracted the X-Men by causing them to rescue the civilians from a Ferris Wheel which Gambit destroyed with his powers, while he engaged combat with Wolverine. After Wolverine was subdued, Gambit successfully abducted Rogue.

At an unknown location, Rogue woke up and discovered that her arms are covered with mechanical devices and Gambit tried to be intimate with her. Feeling threatened, Rogue kissed him and looked into his memories. After pushing away, Rogue also took Gambit's powers and tried to escape out of the facility. But she stopped to realize that she was inside a huge a building.


 Andrea(Left) and Andreas Von Strucker(Right). The Co Owners of Fenris Corporation.
She was met by Andrea and Andreas Von Strucker, the co owners of Fenris Inc. They wanted to help Rogue to control her powers and make good use of her assets to gain their profit. Gambit was their first investment and they wanted Rogue to be next. That was why Gambit abducted Rogue in the first place. After much convincing, Rogue decided to agree on it.

Meanwhile, Professor X and Jean combined their telepathy to find Rogue and Gambit. And to their suspicion and success, they found them along with two other mutants( Von Strucker Twins ). From there, Professor X ordered Jean to bring the X-Men to do battle and rescue Rogue.

The X-Men, on the other hand, were almost in disagreements when Bobby wanted to fight Gambit so badly that he argued very badly Kitty and Kitty, fought Dazzler when Dazzler said something terrible about Rogue and Iceman and it took Cyclops to blast them in order to break the fight.

Wolverine and Storm were on the rooftop searching for Rogue and Gambit through Wolverine's strong sense of smell and Storm's wind control. While they were searching, Storm opened up to Wolverine about her feelings and they both ended in a liplock. However, Wolverine does not want it because he feels guilty of the past and he thinks of Rogue as his sister. Feeling bad for him, Storm managed to help Wolverine track down scent and Wolverine swung out to find Gambit.

At Fenris, Rogue tried on a new suit and fought Gambit during the trial. She realized that with the suit she's wearing, controlled her powers and gave her the free will to use the powers anytime she sees fit. Although she liked that idea, she refused to join venture with the Struker Twins. Due to the disagreement, Gambit also joined Rogue and in taking down the twins and fighting off the guards.

When the fight was over, Wolverine stormed in and took battle to Gambit, despite pleas from Rogue. When Gambit fell in battle, Rogue prevented Wolverine from adding further damage to Gambit by pointing a rifle at him. As Wolverine explained his actions and his side of the story, Rogue yelled him and criticized him of becoming a human. Upset and humiliated, Wolverine left and walked past Storm who tried to stop him. Storm then defended Wolverine by confronting Rogue on Wolverine's side of ths story and went after him.

The X-Men, on the other hand, flew the X-Wing directly at the Fenris Towers and Iceman forced Nightcrawler to teleport him to the building in order to find rogue. After teleporting him, they were subdued by the twins and Jean, Colossus and Angel ran in to save the day and apprehend them both.

Rogue informed Jean that she wants out of the X-Men so that she could have some personal space. This not only upsets bobby, but surprised Gambit as well. Rogue revealed that she had feelings for Gambit and she would want some time with him one day. For that, Rogue left and followed Gambit.

Ultimate X-Men Vol 12
Hard Lessons

This comic series has three parts of the story. Hence, I'll break them down.

Part 1

 The story begins with Professor X visiting the bank, so that he could withdraw his savings from his account. But his request was declined when he realized that his account and assets were frozen due to the Hellfire Club's unauthorized transfer. As he was about to leave, a mutant named Syndicate held everyone hostage and plans to rob the bank. 

Syndicate. Real names: Matthew and Luke. 

As everyone was in panic mode, Professor X activated the Swat team to arrive on the scene and managed to motivate the civilians to stand up against Syndicate. One of them used Martial Arts to take down Syndicate, while another performed CPR on a security guard who passed out. 

Realizing that he is left alone with Syndicate, Professor X threatened to manipulate Syndicate's sister to jump off the hospital where she's been warded if Syndicate were to harm anyone. Fearing for his sister's life, Syndicate admitted defeat and took the bullets from the cops. 

However, Syndicate isn't dead. Professor X manipulated the minds of the police officers, making them believe that Syndicate is dead. In return, Syndicate agreed to help Professor X as Professor X kept his word on his sister's condition. 

Part 2

The story starts with a Flashback of Yuriko Oyama chasing storm on a highway with a motorcycle in which they both stole. As Yuri tried to stop her, she was run down by a mad truck and Storm thought she was dead.

And now, Storm appeared in a bar outside Canada and got reminded of the bike chase the last time. Her main aim is to search for Wolverine after Rogue yelled him and caused him to leave. She managed to find Wolverine in the bar and Wolverine was involved in a scuffle and Storm went in to even the odds.

After Storm successfully hot wired a truck with Wolverine for a quick getaway, she tried to convince him to come back, but Wolverine refused because he still wants to find out about his past. But little did they know that they were stalked by someone else.

While driving, Wolverine and Storm were arguing about Wolverine's sudden feelings for storm when all of a sudden, there was someone standing in the open. By the time she could apply the brake, the truck gave way and they both were hurt. Later, that someone was revealed to be a blast from the past for Storm. Yuriko Oyama, who is now known as Deathstrike.

Yuriko Oyama aka Deathstrike.

Deathstrike narrated the story of what happened to her after the accident. She was paralyzed and got stuck on a wheelchair until she met Dr Cornelius from Weapon X. He decided to help her get back on her own feet, provided that she agreed to take out Wolverine and possible, Storm.

Storm and Wolverine teamed up to battle Deathstrike. After she was subdued by Storm's powers, Dr Cornelius came with his men to target Wolverine. But they were too late as Wolverine managed to fly towards them, thanks to Storm's wind current,  and take out the helicopter. Deathstrike suddenly returned and was hoping to decapitate Storm. Storm then decided to stop her by electrocuting herself and Deathstrike. It didn't take long for Wolverine to revive her.

When Storm woke up, she was met with a welcome from Nightcrawler and Wolverine. Wolverine at first wanted to leave and search for more answers about his past, but Storm convinced him not to, hence he gave in. As for Deathstrike, she was placed under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s custody.

In the end, life went back to normal for the X-Men.

 Part 3

 Gambit and Rogue robbed a jewel from the Fenris Corporation and decided to go celebrate for their successful job completion. But trouble seemed to have presented itself at the doorway when Juggernaut, Rogue's former flame in the Brotherhood of mutants, interfered. 

Juggernaut. Real name: Cain Marko

Juggernaut and Gambit engaged in a fist fight until the jewel that Gambit held on to released an energy source on Juggernaut, thus making him more bigger and stronger. After hurling Gambit away, Juggernaut tried to please Rogue into taking him back. Although he refused a yes, he grabbed her by her arms and was hoping to abduct her. She managed to loose his grips by absorbing his powers through her feet and allowed Gambit to take him down. 

The fight took all the way to the construction site and Gambit somehow, weakened Juggernaut by using his force field power to suck out the strength of juggernaut and caused a massive explosion in a steel structure which collapsed and killed both Gambit and Juggernaut. 

As Rogue ran in to find Gambit, she wanted to help him but he refused as he knew he was going to die. Before he died, they shared one last kiss and Rogue sucked out his powers and owned it. Rogue then called Iceman and informed him of the situation she was in. Before Iceman could offer her help, she rejected the phone call and walked away.